The Footsteps of the Five: The Narratives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper

We’ve been led to believe that Jack the Ripper targeted prostitutes. But what if that’s not true? Who were these women and why were they alone in Whitechapel late at night? Walk with Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Catherine and Mary Jane throughout their lives and see what led them to their ultimate demise.


Kendra Leigh Bott - Historical Fiction Author

About Kendra Leigh Bott

Kendra Leigh Bott is a homeschool teacher & mom of four. The family loves to travel and has a goal of visiting all fifty states together and visit as many National Parks as possible.

In her free time, Kendra likes to read and watch movies with her kids.  One of her favorite quotes is, “Never judge a book by its movie.” Some of her favorite books that she believes fit into that category are: Game of Thrones, Twilight, and Harry Potter. Movies that she feels did their books justice; Pride and Prejudice (really any Jane Austen book-turned-movie is pretty good), The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and The Fellowship of the Ring.  And the one movie that Kendra thinks is even better than the book: The Time Traveler’s Wife.

Kendra is an INFJ, a Ravenclaw, and a cat person. If stranded on a deserted island, two things Kendra would bring is her Lipsmackers chapstick and a cold Vanilla Coke.

The Footsteps of the Five is Kendra’s first full length novel. She has also written a children’s book for each of her four kids.


Kendra Leigh Bott The Footsteps Of The Five Review
Kendra has taken time to do her research and draw in her readers. Prior to reading these stories I knew who Jack the Ripper was, but nothing about the five women that met such a brutal end. I found myself enthralled by the stories of Elisabeth and Polly in a way that had me feeling like I was walking the streets with them. My heart wrenched with Polly as she experienced the loss of her family through infidelity. These ladies that wanted more for their lives but found themselves as caught in downward spirals of hurt, loss, anger, and murder. I was drawn into their struggles and found myself rooting for them in spite of knowing how the story ended. This is a story I would find myself reading again and have recommended to my friends. As a historical fiction fan, I hope Kendra continues to write more stories. Thank you for sharing your talent, Kendra! – Brandy P.
Kendra Leigh Bott The Footsteps Of The Five Review
I love the author’s perspective on the women in The Footsteps of the Five. This story brought you right into their minds. It was a refreshing twist and is a book I will read again! – Sarah D.


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