This quote, “Never judge a book by its movie”, is one of my favorites. It’s a more fun way of saying, “The book was better.” And most of the time, that is true. So true! There are many reasons why movies cannot be an exact replication of the book, and there are the multitudes that just don’t want to read the book. For us readers though, I think we like seeing the image play out after reading the words. We want to see the characters go through the motions on screen that they previously only did in our minds. And a lot of times we are disappointed.
Never Judge a Book by its Movie.
So let’s judge them both, separately and combined.
I have been called a book nerd, and a couch potato (okay, I’ve called myself both), but either way, I am a lover of stories. I love to learn the story of how my friends met their spouses. I love to hear about my kid’s dream. I love reading stories. I love watching stories, on the screen and on the stage. But you will soon see that I do not love every story. If I did, this blog would be boring.
I will read the book, then I will watch the movie (or TV series) based on that book. Then I will write about and critique both. It is completely my own opinion, so don’t read too much into it.
I encourage you to read the book, watch the movie or show, and comment! Please do! It will be so much fun to talk about together!